Jill brings her integrity, intense joy in supporting adult learners, and distinct ability to get at the root of any challenge an individual may face while working with her coaching clients. She supports adults with fierce positivity, candid communication, and compassion.
Jill utilizes her knowledge of the human energy field to support leaders in moving past their internal blocks and stepping more fully into their leadership presence.
"As always, you set such a calm tone and deliver a meaningful message that is relevant to everyone no matter the years of experience."
Leader in Atlanta, GA
Five days on site: $15,000
Three days on site: $10,000
Two days on site: $8,000
Focused instruction and practice for up to 5 people focused on:
Distress/Eustress: Key to Optimal Performance
Real-Time Coaching/Support Frameworks
Debrief/O3 Templates
Data Meeting/Team Meeting Templates
Jill will provide 1 hour of professional development, model, and ensure all leaders practice:
Real Time Support
Organization-Wide Real Time Coaching
Leading a Debrief/O3/Check-In
Facilitating a Small Team Meeting or Professional Development
Systems Focus (determined by organization/leader)
Jill will provide documents to each leader to keep track of progress between on-site visits.